Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Chapter 1. It's all coming together.

I am starting a blog.

I am starting a new job. I am moving to a new city. I am chasing a big dream in a big city. So...

I am starting a blog.

I began my active pursuit as a singer-songwriter in September 2009. It's been a year, and since then I have recorded an EP, opened for many names I thought it would take years to reach, and played in venues I thought I may never get to play in. I have heard my song on the radio, won a few singer-songwriter contests, been a feature article in a newspaper, and I have written a buttload more tunes. I feel like I got to do so much in my first year of pursuit, and I cannot wait to see what the next few years have in store for me. My next move, Austin.

Austin is the Live Music Captial of the world. Since my act is very gig-driven, this seems like the perfect spot for me. I have grown so much as an artist, and I feel Austin has the potential to spurr much more growth. So my decision to move was made. But first I had to find a financial backer... and by that I mean a job.

I hit craigslist hard and emailed everyone I could think of that I knew lived in Austin looking for employment opps. I had a few leads, a few interviews, nothing panned out. And then, I got an email from one of the companies I had a phone interview with. They had filled the position, but wondered if I would be interested in another position they had. Good sign, right? I went down to Austin for an interview, and I got asked to go on a working-interview at a Dallas location. I had one more face-to-face interview in Austin, and then... I GOT AN OFFER!

That was two days ago. I start in two weeks. I put in my notice at my current job, and I have found a temporary place to live in Northwest Austin. I am set! And terrified. And excited. But Anxious. My heart kind of races every time I think about it. I always dreamed of the adventure of picking up and moving to a new city where I knew very few people and I could full-heartedly pursue music. This may be a dream come true. But it could also be a nightmare. I have to do it though. If I don't, I may always wish I had.

So this blog will document my move and the adventures I have in this new life. Expect to hear about a lot of closed doors, homesickness, and poverty (most likely), but also hopefully a journey of growth in a young musician. If anyone wants to help me, all I ask is that you pray! Pray that I will find my place in the Austin music scene, and that I will glorify God while doing that.